About kennel Icefern:

Kennel Icefern is located at Viggja in Skaun (Trøndelag), just outside the city Trondheim, in the middle of Norway. We have a small kennel with Cocker Spaniels, we do not have litters often, and we try to be active with our dogs, we are often at dog shows and at tracking trials, we also train/have trained our dogs in tracking, hunting, retrieving, obedience, agility, special search and just socialization with other dogs, but the focus is on the typical Cocker activities like swimming, retrieving and searching in the field with no leash. But mainly our dogs are family pets and true couch potatoes when we are indoors. Our dogs have a room of their own, not closed with a door but a "baby gate" so they have full view of the house. The oldest dogs are moving freely around the house. :) We got our first Cocker in 2002, and our first litter in 2010.

view from the back of our house
We often participate in different courses (breeding-school of the Norwegian Kennel Club etc.), and are active members of the Norwegian Spaniel Club, where Tone is in the dog show committee and the vice chairman of Norwegian Spaniel Club in Trøndelag, we are also memebers of a dog club in Selbu (STBK) where Tone is in the editorial committe for the club magazine. We are also members of the Swedish Cocker Club.

Mascots at the tracking championship in Selbu Meeting other dogs and people
If you want to get a puppy from us, you can read more about it under Puppies.
We don't have litters often, and we are having focus on socialization of the puppies when they are here, so we spend a lot of time with the puppies. We are spending a lot of time looking for the right male for our females, and are not afraid of travelling far to find him. The parents of a litter should be a good match, and they are allways tested free for HD, eye tested clear and one of the parents should be optigentested normal/clear for prcd-PRA. We want our Cockers to be of the British type, short and compact, and with an outgoing, happy temperament!

Mail: kennel@icefern.com
Tone G. Larsen: +47 95772778

Kristian Isaksen: +47 95825095
We would like to thank our amazing breeders, Aud-Jorun and Kjell-Ivar at kennel Blue Satin, thank you for our two wonderful Cocker-girls Mia and Hayley, and a lot of advice and guidence when we were new with the breed! Thank you Geir and Lars at kennel Casein, for our handsome and kind Cocker-boy Trym! And Thank you Katri Alavalkama and Jan Egeland-Jensen for trusting us to have Vilja from you in Finland.

Our cockers of 2011:
From the left: Mia, Trym, Hayley, My, Hermine, Vilja and Noah.